BECAUSE EVERY Kairos Women Working Together supports and advocates for women in Coventry subject to or at risk of sexual exploitation, empowering them on their journey towards safety, stability , self-belief, and self reliance WOMAN MATTERS

About Us

Kairos Women Working Together (Kairos WWT) was established in 1999 and is a specialist organisation in Coventry run by women, for women. We provide holistic, trauma informed, long term support and advocacy for women who are subject to or at risk of sexual exploitation; including women who face multiple disadvantage and have ‘complex’ unmet needs. We empower women to increase their safety, stability, self-belief, and self-reliance; improve their life chances, and build fulfilled lives, free from violence, abuse, and exploitation.

‘Kairos’ is an ancient Greek word meaning ‘the right, critical, or opportune moment for the accomplishment of crucial action’. In Greek mythology, Kairos was the god of opportunity. We meet women where they are at, until the time is right for them to take action towards their goals. We provide options and create opportunities, supporting women to accomplish the change they want for their lives.

Support Us

Your support can make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable women in Coventry.

Help us empower women to change their lives. Women report that with our support they feel safer and have developed greater self-belief. They’re more able to cope. Financial circumstances are better, and they are maintaining stable accommodation. Their family, peer, and intimate relationships have improved and they’ve built up positive support networks. They’ve broken free from the grip of perpetrators. Women tell us our support made all the difference in them addressing their substance use, being able to exit prostitution, or being able to keep their children in their care. Together, we can help women build fulfilled lives, free from violence, abuse, and exploitation.

How We Make A Difference

Our approach is women-centred, trauma-informed, and hopeful. Our support is holistic, flexible, relational, and collaborative. As an evolving organisation, we are striving to become more reflective, outcomes focussed, and evidence based in our professional practice. We critique the institution of the sex industry from a Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) perspective, and place no moralistic judgement on the women we support. We’re there for women in crisis, supporting them to increase their safety, reduce harm and ensure basic needs are met. We take time to build trusting relationships; persistence and flexibility are key. We also recognise the need for women to move beyond entrenched cycles of crisis and harm. We support them to believe in their ability to achieve their goals and empower them to take the necessary steps along the way. We journey alongside them as they increase their stability and self-reliance, and build the lives they want. We fully recognise that such a journey is unique to each individual woman, is never linear, and needs to be women led, flexible and long term.

Who We Are

People say that Kairos feels like a family. We’re united by our vision and passion to stand alongside vulnerable women and see them reach their full potential.

As a values-driven organisation, our work reflects our shared core values:

Compassion We believe that women have the right to be respected and treated fairly. We act with humanity, listening with curiosity to come to an understanding of what is causing them difficulties or distress. We value them as unique individuals, hold space for them, and empathically seek to understand their priorities, needs, abilities, and aspirations.

Empowerment– We recognise that the women we support have a right to self-determination. Rather than ‘rescue’, we support women to develop self-belief and establish a sense of choice, control, and agency within their lives. We do not treat women as passive recipients of help and we maintain strong professional boundaries to ensure we facilitate independence.

Justice– We understand that women subject to or at risk of sexual exploitation face significant injustice in their lives. They are often ignored, silenced, or pushed to the margins. As passionate advocates, we ensure their voices are amplified and rights are upheld. We seek to positively challenge and influence policy and systems to improve outcomes for all women.



Women's Justice

Feeling Safe

A Home of Her Own

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